The Sailrite Fabric Calculator

"A 30 Minute Cushion"

Unit of Measurement
A. Finished Width (?)
Width of finished cushion. Foam should be oversized we use as a rule of thumb: 1/2 inch (1.3 cm) larger than the finished size on width and length (this works just fine for "normal" cushion sizes).
B. Finished Length/Zipper (?)
Length of the finished cushion. Cut foam oversized -- we use as a rule of thumb: 1/2 inch (1.3 cm) larger than the finished size on width and length (this works just fine for "normal" cushion sizes). This length edge is where the zipper opening will be installed. If you want the zipper opening to be on the width side of the cushion, simply switch your entry measurements from length to width and width to length.
C. Thickness (?)
Thickness of cushion foam. If less than 2 inches (5.1 cm) we recommend using the fold over cushion construction calculator and production process.
Quantity (?)
Total number of cushions needed with these dimensions.
Fabric Width (?)
Actual width of fabric (often 46, 54, or 60 inches -- 116.8, 137.2, and 152.4 cm)
Orientation--Cushion length on fabric: (?)
Use this to position the cushion lengthwise or widthwise on the fabric. Often used to orient a pattern, like stripes, a certain direction on the fabric or to keep from seaming sections of fabric together for an extra-long length of cushion. If two fabric panels need to be sewn together side by side, required for extra-large cushions, switching the orientation will move the seam from across the cushion to the front boxing of the cushion, as seen in Panel Rendition image. Placing the seam in the middle of the front boxing (from center notch to center notch) results in the most desirable looking cushion.
Too Thin for this Construction Process: The thickness specified will make accurate assembly using this procedure difficult. We recommend using the "Fold Over" calculator and its procedure for thin cushions.
Key Dimensions: {{data.requiredPanelsText}}.
Cut size of fabric = {{data.widthFinal}} {{data.UofM}} x {{data.lengthFinal}} {{data.UofM}} ({{data.lengthFinal}} side runs along {{data.rolltext}}, it will be the zipper opening, the backside of the cushion).
Cut corner notches {{data.cornerNotchLength}} {{data.UofM}} wide by {{data.cornerNotchWidth}} {{data.UofM}} deep.
Cut center notches {{data.centerNotchWidth}} {{data.UofM}} wide by {{data.centerNotchLength}} {{data.UofM}} deep.
Cut size of foam = {{data.foamWidth}} {{data.UofM}} wide x {{data.foamLength}} {{data.UofM}} length.
Zipper allowances = {{.62*data.UofMScale}} {{data.UofM}}.
Seam allowances = {{data.edgeAllowance}} {{data.UofM}}.
Boxing width = {{data.boxingWidth}} {{data.UofM}} -- minimum length = {{data.boxingLength}}.an .pPlaque width = {{data.plaque}} {{data.UofM}} -- minimum length = {{data.plaqueLength}}.

List of Materials: Decor & Upholstery Fabric = {{data.yards}} yards.
Foam = {{data.foamWidth}} {{data.UofM}} x {{data.foamLength}} {{data.UofM}} -- {{data.quantity}} each
Seamstick 1/4" Basting Tape for Canvas and Upholstery = {{data.seamStick}} roll.
Thread from Sailrite.
Continuous Zipper Chain #5 White or Black = {{data.zipperLength}} Feet
Zipper Slider (non-locking) #5 Coil White or Black = {{data.quantity}} each
Cushion Wrap Silk Film 54" = {{data.silkFilm}} roll.

Canvas not supported
Canvas not supported